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You can now order your repeat prescriptions online!
To be able to use this service you must be able to log on to the system and for that you will need a user name and password which can be supplied to you by our Reception. Just ask to be registered with our Online Prescription Service and they will do the rest. Your online username and password are for you only and will not work for anyone else. Please contact the surgery if you need any further information about registering.

How to get a prescription
If you think you may need a prescription medicine, please make an appointment with the doctor. Our nurse Practitioner can also issue prescriptions for common ailments. If you have previously been given a prescription for a straightforward condition we may be able to issue a prescription after a telephone consultation. Please ask the receptionist.
Your local pharmacist should be able to give you advice for non-prescription medication.
How to get a repeat prescription
We have a computerised repeat prescription service. Repeat prescriptions are normally for patients with long-term conditions who receive regular treatment. Your doctor (or nurse practitioner) will decide who can have a repeat prescription. From time to time we will ask you to see your doctor (nurse practitioner) to review your medication. We do this to monitor your illness and medication.
You can ask for a repeat prescription:
Wherever possible, please give the exact drug names when ordering